Thursday, 18 February 2010

Chrissy's Day 2: I need to obey, I need to do

Summary of Romans 2

You can read Romans 2 at BibleGateway.

Paul warns that we shouldn't pass judgement on others because we're just the same as the wicked people described in chapter 1. God will give everyone what they deserve, both Jews and non-Jews. Infact, Jews will be held to a higher standard because they have God's law. Because it is not hearing that is important it is obeying. In fact, those people who have never heard of God's law but follow it by instinct prove that it is the truth.

If Jews want to brag about having God's law, their relationship with God and try to teach others, they had better be careful to obey the law themselves. For example, they can't teach against stealing and then steal themselves. The scriptures say "It's because of you Jews that non-Jews ignore God".

Circumcision is only valuable if you keep God's law. If you don't, then it's better to not be circumcised. It's what is happening in your heart that matters.


I know you should be careful about taking something written a couple thousand years ago to a specific group of people and try to apply it directly to your own life but...

I do wonder how similar we Christians are to the Jews of that time. We smugly think we can tell others how to live because we are 'saved' but don't really change our lives all that much. We claim to have the inside scoop on love but exclude people from our churches if we don't approve of their lifestyles. We go on about how God created the world in 7 days but continue to trash it. We talk about how we are free from condemnation but judge other Christians mercilessly.

Well, if we can apply this passage to ourselves, Paul is telling us to be careful. We who have heard will be held to account for our actions. We won't be able to plead innocence cause we should have known better.

Here again Paul is saying. It's not enough just to hear the gospel - we need to hear it. Verse 13: "For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous."

So where do I sit in all this?

I confess, I sit back and say 'oh, I'm a Christian, I have been saved by God's amazing gift of grace', and think that that's enough. Yes, God has extended a free and undeserved gift to me and it is enough. And yet it's not.

Clearly, this passage (if it is ok for me to apply it to my life...) is telling me that it's not enough to rely on my religion and think I have a free ticket to the Kingdom of God. I need to obey. I need to do.

So my next question is: How do I obey? What do I need to do?


Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Thank you for this opportunity to spend time exploring your word.
Thank you for the journey you are taking me on and how far I have already come.

Lord, I confess that I am lazy. I have willfully misinterpreted your message to suit myself.
Please forgive me.

I want to obey. Please show me how. Please show me what you want me to do.

I want to be your servant, your vessel.




stephanie 22 February 2010 at 8:12 pm  

OK, so this is more intellectual than I thought it would be, I've quick-read all the post up till here! Might help if toddler wasn't sitting on the loo when he's meant to be asleep...

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