Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Chrissy's Day 1: Hearing and hearing

Here goes!

I've decided to write a summary of the passage, a reflection then a prayer.

You can read Romans chapter 1 online at BibleGateway.

Summary of Romans chapter 1

Paul (the author) really wants to go to Rome to meet with the Christians there, he prays for them all the time.

He says he is not ashamed of the gospel because he knows it has the power to save people.

He explains that God is angry because people are supressing the truth. The truth about God is easy for everyone to see, his power and divine nature is clear in creation. People know about God and they ignore him. They think they are wise but they are not.

So, God let them do what they want. They now sin in lots of ways, for example: sex, gossip, murder, stealing, fighting, boasting and greed. Although they know these things are wrong and will only lead to more heartache and eternal death, they do it anyway. But even worse than that, they celebrate people who do these stupid things!


I am so challenged by verse 16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” Cause the truth probably is that I am ashamed of the gospel. I really struggle (like many Christians do I’m sure) to not only share my faith but even to admit to it sometimes.

Why is this? Paul (the author of Romans) says that he’s not ashamed cause he knows that God has the power to save. Basically cause he knows it is the truth.

I’m reminded of something our minister said in his sermon on Sunday (yes, I was listening). He was talking about the difference between hearing and hearing as the bible means it. I think that is the key. If I had really heard the gospel and understood it I wouldn’t even dream of being ashamed. If I really got it then I too would be shouting it from the rooftops.

I like the way The Message version puts verse 16: “It’s news I’m most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him.”

So, why haven’t I heard? Why don’t I really understand?

I think the second part of the passage explains it.

Verse 18 -22 says “Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.” (New Living Translation)

Basically, they refused to understand it. The passage says it is clear who God is (verses 19 and 20) just by looking around at this beautiful world we can see the power and divine nature of God.

And I confess, the same is true for me. I do know who God is, I do know the wonder of the gospel – that it has the power to give everyone healing, restoration and redemption – but I have hardened my heart and refuse to really know it.

Why? That’s a great question. I trust that this lent, God will show me.


Father God, Jesus, Holy Spirit,
Thank you for the gift of your word.
Thank you that something written so long ago is still relevant.
I read this passage, the description of people who have given themselves over to wickedness and it sounds just like my world, just like the people in my community.

But God, I confess, I am no different.
I too refuse to really acknowledge who you are.

I’m sorry.

Lord, please change me.
I’m putting this out there now, for all the world to see.
I want to know you. I want to really hear the gospel.
I want to be your servant, your vessel.



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